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What Psi Should I Use Blowing Out Water Lines In RV?

Author: E. Silva (aka ‘Awesome Man’ - The TRUEST Niche Specialty Expert)

It’s time to talk again ( I hope ya missed me … and who wouldn’t right? Ah haha haha ) ….

Now, you read the question above ( on the title ) , so what are your initial thoughts on it? Do you think there is a valid, viable answer somewhere out there for you ( don’t lose hope ) ? If you said yes to that, you’re right. And I can bearing gifts ( well, gifts that are more like answers, hehe heh eh eh eh eh ) …..

Now first of all, I would like to address the topic of those water – lines on the RV, in regards to your question … now, the perfect psi for blowing – them OUT, in any case, is 30 – 40. 30 – 40 psi is what you need to adapt to. Keep it no higher than 40, no lower than 30 ….

Simple answer, eh?

Now it’s time to see more data on this ….

Next, I would like you to note the fact that some compressors, as a matter of fact, are actually able to ( and notoriously known for doing it, as well, if I were to be brutally honest with ya, haha hahah aha haha haah ha ah aha hah ) go far higher than that 40. But these are usually the ones you will find being worked on heavy – duty tires ( their primal job, and they can tackle the job well ) . YOU want compressors that can stay between 30 – 40 ( and even if they CAN go higher, and show much higher readings …. should NOT do so but stay in the given range here ) ….

You might also like to see the fact that the psi reading is not always a perfect one. Some units may be broken, failing internally or have other issues that cause them to not read right. So you always want to get a 2nd test with a different reader, just to be super – duper, extra safe … as I always like to say. You might also like to test the psi – reader itself if you have the know – how / tools to do that ( special equipment is sold, as well, that can do it for you in just some easy steps ) ….

As for psi, here’s a quick tip — it reflects your surface pressure every time. Not only that, but it stands for “poundage ( aka pounds, as some prefer ) per square inch”. Now you know what it assesses ….

If you go lower than 30 – psi, you won’t really be doing anything good, either … you’d be unable to remove water from those lines and might even damage the lines, too …. so don’t go higher, don’t go lower … keep it by 30 – 40 psi.