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What Does A Reed Valve Do On An Air Compressor?

Author: E. Silva (aka Mr. Awesome - The Niche Specialty Expert)

Good question, he he he heh heh … same thing my wife once asked me, when I tried to explain all this stuff to her ( and she answered me with a puzzled look, presenting a possible solution that has absolutely, positively NOTHING to do with it … but I’m glad she at least tried to understand this and didn’t nod her head when I explained it again …. whewwww ) . I am glad you are here, asking the same thing now. So let’s get to a chat, shall we? I’d like to talk to YOU ….

So first of all, I would like to make it known, plainly and simply, the fact that this type of valve basically just allows for the needed refrigerant to be able to properly go in and out of every single cylinder as your piston likewise goes up and down that cylinder wall. And as you can probably tell, an air – compressor without a reed valve is simply like a ship without a main sail or even an anchor … tough waters to be sailing in, right? With your air – compressor, you NEED a reed valve. It’s no mere “option” to have one ….

Now, then, I would like to talk to you all next about this : The different main parts of the reed valve ( very important in helping you to understand its overall function and purpose, plus the urgency of having it, all in all ) . You’ve got the discharge valve, the valve plate, and the suction valve, at the end of the day. Now, through the basic general process of suction ( yes, even similar to like that with a regular house – hold vacuum, if you get the picture … it all works the same way here, pretty much, he he he he heh ) , the suction valve itself basically just draws in that refrigerant ( as a sort of “low - pressure type” vapor of its own, which it produces in the process ) and thus, from there, at the latter part of the process, the reverse ( or opposite ) tends to happen…. meaning, the refrigerant later gets discharged through another valve that is made just for the discharge ( depending on the model, of course, as not all have two valves, he he he he heh ) . But when it goes out, this time, it goes out as a high – pressure, high – temp ( or temperature, he heh ) vapor. Neat, right? And yes, in the process, some parts of the air – compressor and its reed valve will, indeed, get HOT ( so be careful not to directly touch these areas in the process, or at least put some safety gloves on, to say the least ) .

I hope this has helped. Please read it again for review. Thank you!