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What Can I Cut With A Miter Saw?

Author: E. Silva (aka Mr. Awesome - The Niche Specialty Expert)

What Can I Cut With A Miter Saw?

There is an excellent question, and you have now asked it. As such, I will answer. Please read everything on here, my friend, to get those juicy details and much more …

Now first of all, I would like to just start off by asking you to read some of my other posted blogs on here, if you get a sec. They are well – worth your time and just take about 10 minutes each. Great reads, and lots of information, all related to this. Now, then, the first thing I would like to make known on this particular blog post is the fact that 10 – in and 12 – in wood board cuts are typically what this type of saw is designed to do. And as such, that is what you will find the most of here. People usually use miter – saws for that, and the wood can even be, in some cases, 8 – in or even 6 – in boards, too. It all depends on the skilled artisanship of the person sawing, not to mention the capabilities of the specific miter – saw, in question. I have seen some that can engage all these sizes and more ….

Now, then, you should also take note of this next fact —- the plain fact that 45 – degree, 4 – in boards can be done by a miter – saw, too. They are, however, more of the exception than the rule. But just know that it can be done!

And when it comes down to the factor of cutting down on door / window / picture frames, crown molding, or anything else similar to this, a miter – saw can usually get the job done. As a matter of fact, it excels at making perfect cuts, with perfect angling and all, all within these needs. That’s why countless home – owners tend to buy this type of saw and keep it in their garage all year long ; it’s perfect for those framing or wood – board piece remodeling they may have in mind. You will also find that, 8 times out of 10 ( he he he he heh … me and my stats, right? Gotta love it … ) , this type of a saw is the first, go – to choice when someone is in need of precision work ( for example, an interior trim or such ) . The hinge of it will always remain right in place, as does not wobble around or re – adjust ( as it might with other kinds ) . Plus, this means the blade will always cut right straight down ( and not miss whatever is in its path ) in a sort of perfectly – controlled motion. It’s hard to miss your cutting target with one of these, which some people love …

This is also known as a “less intimidating” saw for beginners. No joke. And you can see why, I’m sure …