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How To Start Gas Leaf Blower

By : Your One & Only Leaf Blower Expert, Mr. Efrain E. Silva!

How To Start Gas Leaf Blower

A gas leaf blower is not just any basic old tool in the shed — it is a special thing of beauty and needs a special amount of love and care to get her started. And that, my dear, sweet friend, is what I am going to share with you today. So read up and read on….

Quick Answer: How To Start Gas Leaf Blower

First of all, I would like to just point this out —- you need to know the fact that, if you are ever going to get the thing started up in the first place, you will not be able to do it without some gas and some 2 – CYCLE ( not just any type ) oil. You also need to mix one with the other just in the right quantity, otherwise you will run into all sorts of other conundrums, as I like to call them…. one being the very fact that you could unintentionally foul up your spark plug ( by means of the oil, for instance, if you mix in too much ) . For every gallon of gas, you want to go with 2.5 oz of oil… keep that in mind, and you ought to be just fine —- so in other words, a 50 : 1 ratio here applies.

Now, then, also, IF you have a 4 – cycle engine instead, as some of those newer and fancier gas leaf blower models now do these days, then keep in mind the simple fact that you don’t need the same mixture present here. But you still CAN start things up the same way. Just a quick side note for reference ( and if it’s a 4 – cycle engine, 9 times out of 10, just using basic, straight – up gas is perfectly fine and what most people do here ) .

Anyways, I want you to also be aware of this, my friend : It’s all super easy to do…. just make ( or buy the mixture ) , put the gas in and then push the bulb ( primer ) . Slowly release it. Do it another 5 times. Now, put on your choke and close it up, and pull on that starting cord just once. Open the choke half – way by moving the lever right to the middle.

Then, after that, I would like you to pull that cord again…. about 1 to 4 times. Starting cord away! Feel the glory and pride as you pull it, heh heh, as if you’re in a position of true power ( and those leaves you are about to blow away really should be afraid of you, now, he heh…. it’s coming for them ) .

Let your engine run like 10 – 30 secs. Move your choke lever back to the opening position. Keep it open. You should now be good to go! Tell those leaves it’s now time to fear your blower!!!! Judgment is coming, ha ha hah.