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Best Air Compressor For Air Tools

Author: E. Silva (aka Mr. Awesome - The Niche Specialty Expert)

There’s no “BEST” …. Did you know that? Very important little side – note to keep in mind, especially as we are now talking about “BEST” …. he he he he heh …. anyone can have their own opinion. And my “BEST” is not always yours. That’s why variance of opinions is so important. But I’ll tell you my best air – compressor, and you can tell me yours, too …. let’s go in for another chat, guys …. get ready for action ….

Please read on ….

Now, then, with this all being said, now, I would like you to just keep in mind the simple truth that even experts have totally dis – agreed on this, at times ( YES, DIS – agreed …. they were not in full unison on their points of view, and that’s something I consider to be totally okay … and you ought to, too … every mind is a world of ideas and insight, after all … ) .

I like this Rolair and would say it’s even my top pick for now —- Rolair .5 Hp Ultra Quiet Portable Air Compressor - Walmart.com

It’s the best quiet air – compressor around, too, in my opinion. It’s just $230 or $22 a month, to finance. Easy payments and great product, all in all. Plus, I like its compact look, its bluish – greenish sort of fun turquoise – like color scheme, and all in all, its easiness to use and store.

It’s got a braided discharge hose that is easy to work with, and I like easy … don’t you? Plus, its 2.8 - amp motor is just what I need for my own personal projects. It’s got enough power for me.

It’s an oil – less air – compressor that you can even carry around by hand … it’s not too heavy, either, and best of all, it’s AB5+. That’s quality you can trust in.

You also get very fast fill times, which I will never complain about, he he heh … and this is all thanks to its dual – piston pump ( which, though it does not come automatically assembled in the box, as I would have liked, is still so easy to put together that it’s not really a problem, ha ha hah ) . Now let me share more ….

Next, I would like to point you out to the fact that a replaceable intake filter with these kinds of compressors is also not a bad idea to think about getting. And guess what? Here … you get one! It’s all ready to go with it. Awesome!

You also get some of the best vibration dampeners around. And did I tell you that they’re branded ‘heavy - duty’? They ABSO – POSITIVELY are! Cool? Oh , yeah ….

Now, I hope you come back and read more about air – compressors here, any time. I’ve got lots of other blogs ….