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How Do You Test An Air Compressor Reed Valve?

Author: E. Silva (aka Mr. Awesome - The Niche Specialty Expert)

That’s a great question. Let me start by telling ya that there are some ways you can test ( or trouble – shoot ) the air – compressor’s reed valve. So don’t you worry. The answers are here on this page, and you will come out wiser and smarter. And all ya have to do is read it! He he heh … please stay with me. Now let’s read ….

Now, the first thing I will write for you here is this — to please keep in mind that you have to test to find the very root of the problem. Ask yourself, for one, if your compressor is aging … that is usually one sure – fire sign that its reed valve is also old ( and thus dying or dead ) . If you’re also getting non – stop refrigerant flooding ( or even over – flooding / over – heating ) issues, then that is another sign that your reed valve is bad. If your AC compressor also over – heats, or your oil inside starts to slug ( I think you will know what I mean here, if this has happened to you … it is so plain and visible to see, when this is the problem … and it becomes such a hassle to have to clean up, too, at the end of the day, heh heh he he heh heh ) … then these are signs, too, that the reed valve is bad. So test all of these. Keep your eyes peeled as you watch these visible signs take place before your eyes.

Now, then, I want you to also know that any acid, any sludge or any grime showing up inside your system are also SURE signs that the reed valve has problems, once again. Keep these two signs in mind as well. Now, then, even when it’s something like parts starting to deteriorate ( even parts that surround the reed valve, as well ) , this is also a sign. Even a slight loss of lubrication in these areas ( less lubrication than you typically tend to get ) is also a red flag, in almost every case, telling you, first of all, that your compressor is down to the wire on its oil level ( yes, too little oil, uh – ohhh ) and this, in turn, will almost ALWAYS end up affecting your reed valve. See how one problem leads into another?

And that is why, to prevent all this, you want to always make sure to conduct tests on all these parts. And for tips for maintenance and other insight, please read my similar blog that talks about that a bit further ( titled “Air - compressor maintenance” … it’s a quick and easy read, he he heh ) . Or you can also have an expert test these parts. Google a “local air – compressor mechanic or tester near me”.