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How Do You Get Water Out Of Compressed Air Lines?

Author: E. Silva (aka ‘Awesome Man’ - The TRUEST Niche Specialty Expert)

What you will want to do, in any such case, is to dry the lines, to begin with. And I will show you how …. now let’s go ….

First of all, absorption drying ( which you can look up further for yourself on amazing YouTube.com, haha hah aha hah hah ah a) is one of the top approaches that you can take to this. You can also go with what many call the ‘cooling method’ known as ‘storage tank’ ( google it, my friend, to learn so much more on just that alone … it’s worth your while looking into, hah ahah aha hahah ahaha ) . There is also piping – system air – drying, draining the tank and even other kinds of air – dryers that you can try. Moisture is the main issue here, and the reason you want to dry the air – lines full of water, of course, is to get the water ( and thus, essentially, the very moisture itself ) out.

Too much humidity’s bad …

Now, then, I’m going to show you some tips on my favorite approach of these …. which is draining the tank … here we go …

Now first of all, on that, you need to be able to start off by rightly using a draining kit, calling a pro, or just watching tons of videos ( I prefer the last choice, ha hah aha haha haahah ) …..

You first begin by switching everything off ( the compressor, tank and all ). Now from there, you do need to go ahead and just simply make sure to notice the tank’s psi. Keep that pressure ( psi ) at 10 … no more. Keeping it under 10 is fine, too, in this case. If you want to release some of the pressure in it, to make that psi drop lower for a bit, then all ya need to do is basically just find your ASME safety – valve ; then pull its ring down. For goodness sake, wear some glasses as you do it ( as the air can shoot out at rapid speeds and force, and could potentially enter your eyes … not fun at all … ) ….

Pull until you’re at 10 - psi ( or even a totally empty tank, no problem ) . Find your tank drain – valve next. That’s where we’re going to go ….

Here, open it, let some moisture drain from it, and tilt it accordingly to remove all kinds of moisture in the sides ( or hiding in the back / top of the device, too, ha hah ahahaha ha ah ha hahaha h …. very important step ) . After it’s all fully – drained out, close the valve. Close the tank. Refill with air to the psi level it was at before, and you should be set to go!