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Best Air Compressor For Iwata Eclipse

Author: E. Silva (aka Mr. Awesome - The Niche Specialty Expert)

It’s an easy choice here, he he he he he he he heh eh he heh …. my personal favorite? The

Iwata Silver Jet Compressor ( IS – 50 ) . As I have used it and loved every sec, I know that it works with your Eclipse. NOW let’s get started to talk about some more. I hope to engage and excite you! Let’s get into it ….

First of all, it can get between 10 – 18 psi ( which is no more or less what you’re needing, guys ) for adjustable – working pressure … whoo – hooh. It weighs under 5 lbs ( 4. 7 lb, if you want to get technical with it, he he he he heheh ) . It comes with a nice, little wrapable black cord ( easy to wrap, untangle, tie, move around, and more ) . Plus the single, pressure adjustment knob on it is terrific … it is a quick one to adjust and move around with, and super new – user friendly ( as I like to say, for all my first – time / new users out there reading this, heh heh he he hehh ) .

In addition to that, it’s got its own visible pressure gauge, easy to read and well – diagrammed. Plus, it comes with an air – hose connector, too, super convenient and easy to see. The polyurethane air – hose that it works with, by the way, is nothing less than a high – strength ( and six – inch coiled ) one. Not bad, eh?

This product has over 50 very positive ratings on Amazon as of this second. People have commented on its easy adaptability and its convenience to use, over time … and especially of its durability over several months. This is, as you can probably tell, NOT a product that is going to fall apart on you after just a couple weeks ( like others are … I kid you not ) .

The hose that’s included isn’t stiff either, which is so nice, at the end of the day … it is beyond EASY to stretch and to manage as you spray along. The plastic hook - up cable with it is strong, too, and highly ergonomic. This compressor is both powerful and quiet, and it one of end – less possible reasons why people are constantly praising it as a good match for the Iwata Eclipse. So just keep it in mind ….

Now, then, what else? The Iwata pistol – grip filter on this compressor is amazing. It looks, feels and is truly elegant … all in all. Need I say a word more? ( Or write a word more, I should say? He he he he heh ) ….

Keep this compressor on your “hurry and buy soon” list. You should give it some serious thought. Thanks again, guys! Please let me know what your thought is ….