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What Is The Viscosity Of Compressor Oil?

Author: E. Silva (aka Mr. Awesome - The Niche Specialty Expert)

Now, this time, I am back … but to talk to you on compressor oil viscosity. Ready to listen? Let’s go ….

To make some new points on a new topic, I am here once more ….. let’s get into it ….

Now I’ll start and make my first point ( please listen up closely ) —- to know both synthetic and standard oils, in full, you always have to consider the rightful element of viscosity ( among so many other dang things, he he he he heh ) . Some people call this grade. It’s the same thing. Viscosity / grade …. you get the picture here ….

Now, then, please do keep in mind the very fact that the most common types of compressor – oils that you will find out on the market today ( literally whatever you choose to find as your brand, make or model, and wherever you should decide to go looking for it … even in other countries of the world, the same will hold true, ha ha ha ha ha hah ) are SAE 20 / SAE 30 oils. Period. That’s a fact. These are the two main types, I would argue … and I have yet to meet anyone who would disagree with me on that ( even any expert, too, he he heh ) .

Now when it comes right down to finding how thick the oil, in particular, so happens to be ( which is also measured by how high the viscosity is, by the way, in case you did not know that … and that’s all right if you didn’t … I didn’t, at first, either, he heh heh ) , you need to keep in mind the following : the higher the number given, the greater the viscosity will be. Period. There are no ifs, ands, or butts about this, as some like to say. That’s just the plain fact of the matter.

The viscosity number, or count ( as some prefer to call it ) will ultimately affect the impact of the overall performance it has on your compressor. That’s why it’s important to consider the viscosity of your compressor – oil at the end of the day, you see? This impact carries much greater weight, all in all, in colder months and temperatures ( like the freezing winter ) . When the temps ( or temperatures, in other words ) get only lower and lower, what you will find here, as a natural result, is that the oil itself will tend to become only more sludgier and sludgier, too. Then in winter, as such, having a lower viscosity, as you can tell, can thus be a blessing in disguise … a true benefit to consider during this time of year.

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