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What Causes A Compressor Not To Pump?

Author: E. Silva (aka Mr. Awesome - The Niche Specialty Expert)

Let us look at the causes here, shall we? I hope you brought your reader goggles. Now let’s get started! The first thing is this ….. dirty condenser coils ( yuck, yuck, and yuck … these can get so visibly filthy that it’s disgusting, no joke … he he he heh ehh ) .

Now believe it or not, if the condenser coils happen to get so rickety filthy that you even get clogs and blockages in there, this will, naturally ( as you can tell, too ) cause other problems … even around the main compressor itself … and it can even fail to pump with the same speed, regulatory or pressure, all in all, that it is initially made to do ( or not even pump at all, if your dirt and filth on the inside of the coils is truly that bad, at the end of the day ) . You might also be dealing with the problem of a blocked suction line ( or two, or three, or even more, he he he he he he heh ) . Now in this case, these can either by caused by that first problem I mentioned, or by something else ( or they can, in turn, even be what’s causing the coils themselves to get dirty or rusted … see how it all works together, like a nasty chain – effect of problems? Yes, it’s cause – effect, and that is why maintaining all parts regularly is such a MUST – DO …. ) .

You might also have incorrect suction line size, all in all, and this, of course, is just a problem of install. In other words, whoever installed ( or replaced ) it put in the wrong size. That’s usually a quick fix, but you may need to measure and re – adjust ( and of course, know which is the right size, and go out and find it ) . If you are applying too much refrigerant at a time, or have too much in there, to begin with, this will undoubtedly ALSO be a huge problem that can and will, among so many other kinds of things, stop that compressor from pumping. Please do keep this in mind. I would hate for this to be a problem for you, but it often is for many. ( And you do need to know how much refrigerant is “just right” for your product, based on its model and intake, which you can look at by the manual or online ) .

In any case, the problem might even be out of your hands —- such as due to faulty electrical wiring or connectivity. Yes, electric problems are known causes as well, and these sometimes just occur with aging of the product ( or if you buy a used / re – furbished one that was never too well taken care of ) .