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What Do The Symbols On A Drill Mean?

Author: E. Silva (aka ‘Awesome Man’ - The TRUEST Niche Specialty Expert)

What do the symbols on a drill mean? Ah – hah … I caught you glancing at my page …. good for you! Interest in this subject is always something that makes me excited … I am glad you are here ….

Thank you for coming …. now let’s chat …

First of all, friends, the rotary power ( or the torque breaking point, too ) is what those symbols on a drill will usually refer to … and it’s super important to think about that, today … let’s cover this some more ….

Now, then, with all that being said, I would like you to just keep in mind that the higher your numbered – symbol is, the more force – torque you will be driving … the more you have, in other words. Easy to grasp, right? Very easy … very interesting, too …

The symbols feature, at the end of the day, I find to be one of the most useful, all in all, in the drill you’re using. It basically tells you where things are, in a nut – shell. It lets you adjust your turning power ( and sometimes, right in the nick of time, too, he hehe hehe hehehe he hehe he hehe … ) so as to help you prevent, even if last – minute, issues like small, medium or big screws from getting stripped. This feature also enables you to be able to bore some solid holes, even into harder materials ( like, say, metal, concrete, wood and even some masonry … cool, no? Yeahhhhhh ) ….

Top – selling, luxury drills can even have over 20 symbols on them ( fancy, fancy, fancy ) and each of them basically increases your torque, as I very briefly started to mention. So as the number / symbol goes up, and you crank it so that it lands on that number / symbol, you are getting only more and more power to apply to whichever object or space you are drilling the drill into … and this can either be a simple screw at the tip of the drill, or even something as big as a wall ( or piece of wood, etc ) that you are drilling a hole right into / in through … make sense?

Too much torque, or power, at once, can strip your screw right off … then, in any case, you will not be able to re – use that screw. So you’re best off to toss it. It’s done with. Bring plenty of screws in case this should happen. It may take you a few tries / uses of the drill until you learn to better avoid such issues as that and be more accurate in your work … but you will eventually get comfortable with the drill and find what works best for you … it takes a little bit of time.